Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Happy 10th purrthday, Tabby!

Tabby writes:

No, this isn't how I'm dressing for my purrthday today, but it is how I'm going to dress for my next visit to H.!  It's my 10th purrthday today!  Carbon had his last week, so it's my turn now!  Yay!  I'm asking Mommy right away if I can have the same yummy treats we got last week, and I'm sure she'll say we can!  Although we've been getting into the treats without being given them, lately, oopsie!  Daddy put the swag bag from the Doggie Dash on the floor, and a certain just-over-a-year-old found out that there were Temptations in small packages in there.  Oops!  I might've told her to check, but I'm not telling.  I had fun yesterday opening a bite-sized package and chasing it around the floor for about 15 minutes, then eating all the treats that dropped out of it.  Yummy!  There actually aren't that many per package, since they're the sample-sized ones.  I wanted to chase another package, but our purrents are limiting it to one package per kitty, with the fun exercise to go along with it.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Happy 10th Purrthday, Carbon!

Carbon writes:

Thanks for all the purrthday wishes!  Wowee, I can't believe I'm 10 years old today!  Seems like just yesterday I was a kitten in Clatskanie, OR, with my momcat and siblings.  I'm the old man of the household, but I still feel like a kitten sometimes!  Auntie Shawnee got to see me play the other day when she was here helping Mommy sort through some things.  She also helped Daddy get a new futon mattress for us, and it came with strings!  She was flipping the strings for Autumn, and I stalked them, too.  POUNCE!!!!  I had one in my mouth and was bunny-kicking it before she knew what had happened, and Mommy was just giggling!  See, Auntie Shawnee, I DO still play!  I also wanted to use Auntie Shawnee's purse as a chair, but she wouldn't let me after she saw me snuggled on it.  I don't even know why, but it wasn't there when I came back from having a bite to eat.  I lay down on the arm of the couch instead.

We'll put some pictures of all the excitement and new things that appeared over the last week, but that post will be up later on this week.